Conquest : Headless Horseman (Not posthumous, but a harder variant of it).There are many new bosses added to the game, many which are "dead" versions of the boss it is based off of. Sack: Similar to a Boil, but spawns spiders instead of shooting. It dies when the Heart it is linked to dies. Each one though, is linked to a Heart that spawns with it. Mask + Heart: The masks are invincible beings that chase you much like Knights. Hanger: A flying variant of the Keeper, fires similarly to Greed. Keeper: A bouncing Greed head, has the same effect of Greed. Walking Boil/Sack/Gut: A walking variant of the previously immobile Boil/Sack/Gut.įat Fly: This variation of the Pooter shoots two bullets similarly to Harlequin Baby If he touches you, he will explode, dealing damage. Mulliboom: This Mulligan with a bomb on his head will bee-line towards you can try to touch you. The Big variant splits into two the normal variants when it dies. Spider and Big Spider: These enemies skitter across the floor in very random movement patterns. I will go over some of the important ones though. The amount of new enemies is staggering, so I won't be able to go over all of them. What is inside depends on the tile set of the room. Super Secret Room: This Secret Room does not follow the normal pattern for Secret Rooms, and is usually harder to find. Like the shop, it requires a key to access. Library: This room looks identical to the shop from the outside, but on the inside, contains two books that can be picked up for free. Instead of fighting normal enemies, you fight a couple of bosses. But, you need 1 or less red hearts to enter (Soul Hearts do not effect this). The rate at which they drop though is all randomized (There is also a very small chance for a Devil Room item to drop from this).īoss Challenge Room: These variants of Challenge rooms always have a Boss Room item in them instead of a chest. If you take damage on the spike, there is a chance that a chest will spawn. Sacrifice Room: This room has a spike in the middle. Inside, there are either 1 - 2 red chests, or (if you are lucky) an item from either the Devil Room, the Angel Room, or the Secret Room (Devil items from here does not count as Deal with the Devil). This item does not cost hearts to take.Ĭurse Room: These rooms have a spiked door that cost a total of 1 heart to use (half to enter, half to exit)(You can use flying to avoid the entrance damage, but the exit damage always happens). If you choose to go down to those endings, the game does get harder (but only if you choose that path).Īngel Room: An alternate to the Devil room, it gives you an item themed after Angels instead of Demons. In the Cathedral, you fight a harder final boss, and in the Chest, you fight a harder variant of that boss. The two new endings are the Cathedral and the Chest. The hardest implement is probably the Cellar, with the addition of insane spider based enemies, which can ruin any new player's day. Overall, the alternates have harder variants of enemies compared to the Pre-WL versions. The new harder alternate floors do make the game more difficult.

Samson, D20, Crucifix, Abel, Curved Horn, Sacrificial Knife, Rainbow Baby, Blood Lust, Blood Rights, Bloody Penny, The Polaroid, Isaac's Head, Maggy's Faith, Cain's Eye, Judas' Tongue, Eve's Bird Foot, ?'s Soul, Samson's Lock, the Candle, Lucky Toe, Burnt Penny, Guppy's Tail, A Fish Head, Mega Fetus, Super Fan, Spider Butt, Counterfeit Coin, the Egg Sack, Guppy's Hairball, A Forgotten Horseman, Something Icky, The Left Hand, and Dad's Key.Īll of these are linked to either a new item, trinket, or boss. There will be spoilers in this answer, so if you want to learn about everything yourself, do not read anything below this. The ones not really contributing to the difficulty are the Achievements and the Challenges, so I will not cover them. There are a lot of things added to the game with it. New bosses (most who are harder variants of old ones).I will explain everything it adds, so I can back up my conclusion. The DLC was released on Steam on and costs $2.99/£1.99/2.99€. The Binding of Isaac: Wrath of the Lamb is an official DLC expansion to The Binding of Isaac, which adds new Items, Rooms, Enemies, Bosses, and more.